What is the Alarm SMS Alerting System

The MET Connect Platform provides real-time SMS notifications of alarm conditions within the Plant’s PLC.

Rather than each particular site requiring a MODEM with SMS capabilities, the individual sites PLCs communicate directly to the central MET Connect Servers which process the alarms and escalations centrally using a single internet to SMS gateway.  This centrally managed approach provides numerous technical benifits over an ad-hoc, per-site SMS alarming setup.

The MET Connect ALARM SMS ALERTING SYSTEM provides the following features:

1. Dynamically updating rosters of "on-call" individuals for each site
2. A single simple to use interface to manage all sites "on-call" rosters
3. Escalation of SMS alerts to managers if on-call team don't respond to the alarm within a specified time-period.

The Alarm SMS Alerting System roster lists are managed via the MET Connect Site Dashboard.
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